It can be difficult to watch a loved one suffer from addiction and your relationship is likely affected by their substance misuse.
Individuals struggling with addiction are often in denial and unwilling to seek treatment. They may not recognize the negative effects their behavior has on themselves and others.
What Is An Intervention?
An intervention involves confronting a loved one about how their addictive behavior is affecting everyone around them, and persuading them to make changes and seek treatment.
A successful intervention must be planned carefully to work as intended. A poorly planned intervention can worsen the situation - your loved one may feel attacked and become isolated or more resistant to treatment. That is why it’s advised to seek the help of an addiction professional or interventionist.
How Interventions Work
During an intervention a small group gathers together, usually with an addiction professional or interventionist, to confront a loved one about the consequences of addiction and use peer pressure to encourage the individual to accept treatment.
An intervention includes:
Each person outlining specific examples of destructive behaviors and their impact on them - and pleading the loved one to seek treatment.
Suggesting a prearranged treatment plan with clear steps, goals and guidelines.
Detailing out what each person will do if the loved one refuses to accept treatment.
Consult An Addiction Professional
Consulting an addiction professional like a licensed alcohol and drug counselor can help you organize an effective intervention. An addiction professional will take into account your loved one's particular circumstances, suggest the best approach, and help guide you in what type of treatment and follow-up plan is likely to work best.
In some cases, the family may struggle with getting a family member into an assessment. Care Addiction Center works with a trained interventionist that can help provide professional intervention services and may help to bring the assessment into the home.
If you or a loved one are struggling or need help for an addiction or alcohol problem, call us at: (630) 402-0144.